Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Class is posted

I am teaching at the Scrapbook Academy on July 9th..

Here is the link to my class..yay!!

Scrapbook Academy Up Coming Classes

Really looking forward to it.

So if your in the area and want to learn about heritage scrapbooking and some basic genealogy..come take my class.



Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

very COol!!!
I am so excited for you & for me...I know a famous scrapper :)

Cindye Wile said...

Very cool ... I wish I was closer, I would so be there,. :)

Laurie VF said...

Hey there
It's Laurie from the Academy

OK we keep forgetting....I will add you to my blog....and here is my blog address!